Spring Break Survival Guide

It’s countdown to spring break! We’ve got you covered, from hookups and hookahs to hangovers and hydration. Check out tips for before, during and after what could be one of your most memorable vacations ever.


In most parts of the country, it’s still winter. And, for some of you, that means you’ll be baring your pasty-white skin to the unforgiving elements. The safest way to get that sun-kissed glow before you hit the beach is to use a spray tan. Just don’t forget that, once you’re lying in sun, you still need to slather on the SPF.

Which brings us to our next topic: waxing vs. shaving. If you don’t want to be bothered shaving every day, go for waxing, especially the bikini area. Waxing can last three to six weeks. Another reason to wax is if you’ll be swimming in saltwater, such as an ocean. Shaving right before you swim in saltwater can be painful, to say the least.

If you haven’t already started working on your beach body, it’s not too late. Let’s face it, it’s not like you’re training for a marathon. That is, unless you want to be in top shape for marathon partying!

Other than clean underwear, a toothbrush and toothpaste, here are a few things you’ll want to throw in your suitcase:
• Deodorant (remember, you’ll be sweating all day in the hot sun)
• Sunglasses (you can even go for the new smaller styles)
• Condoms (yes, condoms — many college campuses have free condom giveaways before spring break or all year round)
• Sunscreen with 50 SPF (yes, 50)
• Pain medication, antacid (no explanation needed)


If you’re spending spring break at a beach, take a break from the sun. Seek a shady spot, whether it’s indoors or out. And drink lots of water, especially if you’re drinking alcoholic beverages. Can you say “dehydration”?

Which brings us to our next tip: Be careful what you (or others) post on social media. You seriously don’t want to end up in a “Girls Gone Wild” video, do you?

There’s something to be said for safety in numbers. Stick with your friends. You’ll have each others’ backs — and have more fun while you’re at it.

When you’re out partying at night, always have identification with you. You’ll need it to get into clubs — and might need it to get out of trouble. Know the local laws. Spending spring break behind bars instead of at the bars is less than ideal. Not to mention facing possible charges and fines. If you’re out of the country, learn the equivalent of 911 for your location.


It’s hard to get back into the routine of school or work after vacation. While some vacations are relaxing, spring break may actually be exhausting! Try to schedule your trip so that you have a couple of days to decompress before heading back to class or the office.

Once you’ve recuperated from this year’s spring break, you can start making plans for next year!

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