Why Everyone is ‘Putting a Bow on It’

Many dubbed 2023 the “Year of the Girl” due to the Barbie movie and Taylor Swift and Beyonce’s record-breaking concert tours. Indeed, it seemed like a celebration of all things feminine surrounded us, from Pantone’s previous color of the year to Girl Dinner and beyond. In all likelihood, this is why the bow, arguably the most iconic symbol of girlhood, has swept the internet by storm in recent weeks. It all began in earnest with the coquette aesthetic, then graduated (as it often does in Internet culture) to a meme. Even when the fervor is over, there’s no doubt bows are back in the zeitgeist. If ribbons are new to your boudoir, here are a few creative and unique ways to style them:

Coquette Aesthetic

Subtle Accessories

Ponytail Classic

Girlboss Bold

Save It for Summer


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