Now Trending: Glazed Donut Nails

Next time you’re out and about on the subway or at a posh restaurant, look around at everybody’s hands. You’re likely to notice some distinctly eye-catching nails. Shimmery, iridescent, and slightly… glazed? That’s right, it’s the great “Glazed Donut Nails” trend of 2023! Popularized by Hailey Bieber, this look has caught on in the wake of a turn towards clean, natural beauty, emphasizing dewy, minimalist looks instead of bold glamor. 

While Bieber is the keystone figure of this trend, it’s also been promoted by stars like Vanessa Hudgens and Sydney Sweeney, who are both known for their chic runway looks and slight bohemian flair. In many ways, glazed nails are becoming the new summer neutral, blending seamlessly with many styles and adding a touch of elegance to any outfit. 

There’s no doubt that glazed nails have gained so much traction due to the simplicity of how you can do them yourself. The common tutorial advises two coats of clear nail polish, a pearl iridescent shade, and a topcoat to finish. It may take a few tries to get it looking Bieber-perfect, so while you try it out, here are a few inspo shots to aim for.

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