September Style Horoscopes

Aries: You’ve allowed the planets to wash over you this summer, enjoying blessings from Jupiter, Mars, and Venus alike. It’s all culminating in one final goddess moment: in late September, the new moon will be in perfect aspects aligned with your chart. Don your favorite gown (and buy a new one if you have to). It’s time to manifest big time!

Taurus: Though we’re flattered you’ve come to read your horoscope, you really don’t need to. Your intuition has been spot-on recently, and even if you think it wasn’t – it was. All we have to say is, sink in even deeper. Are some Carrie Bradshaw style shoes calling out to you like a siren? Check in with yourself, and if the feeling is right, pounce.

Gemini: You’ve been up to your typical social butterfly ways all summer, but you’re happy to wind things down a bit as the weather turns colder. Remember, all butterflies must live in a chrysalis before emerging again for the on-season. Wind down, and spin a cocoon of fine silky fabrics around you.

Cancer: Astrologically speaking, things remain quiet for you, dear Cancer. Not that you mind – you’re perfectly content to relax in your jammies for entire weekends at a time. But alas, solo slumber parties can’t last forever. Jupiter is looming on your horizon, and you’ll want to be ready. Take this change of seasons as a signal to begin dreaming big. Quick: grab some magazines and start vision boarding if you have to!

Leo: Can you feel the love tonight? With Venus in your sign all month, we know you definitely can! If you were feeling confident during your birthday month, get ready for more, because September will certainly top that! Wear something bold and showy, and everyone will fall under your spell. 

Virgo: Ah, what is even going on! We’ll tell you what. Mercury’s been in retrograde in none other than your sign. Situations you’d otherwise be perfectly suited for seem strange and wrong. The universe plays no tricks: these are signs that you may be evolving. Take a look at your closet, and cleanse what no longer serves you.

Libra: Lucky you! With Mars in your sign, you’ve been feeling totally on your A-game! Despite all the big changes this summer brought, you endured them with strength, grace, and joy. Now, it’s time to rest on your laurels. Channel that last bit of Mars power into yourself. We’re talking: self care shopping trip!

Scorpio: Scorpio, you’ve been laying low through the end of this hot, hot summer. All good, it’s enough for you to lounge by the pool in your bikini and say nothing at all: your charisma works wonders. Keep up the chill vibes through this month, but get ready for a shift – in October, Mars will enter your sign and bring you an avalanche of energy.

Sagittarius: You’ve settled into a calmer state than whatever you were going through in the earlier months of the year. Fall (and a bit of Mars in Libra magic) bring you balance and clarity. Speaking of… it may be time to get your eyes checked! And get a new pair of frames while you’re at it.

Capricorn: Things are moving and shaking in Capricorn-land! Long-term Pluto will bless you with new fortune this month (if it hasn’t already). Whenever you’re ready, the universe will reward you. Go ahead, snag that somewhat impractical autumn coat you’ve been eyeing. 

Aquarius: August was tough for water bearing folk. Stay strong – just a few more difficult days in September, and then towards the 15th the sky will clear up and give you some much needed space to breathe and think. Forget shopping – it’s time for a spa day!

Pisces: Saturn, the planet of lessons learned, remains in Pisces through the remainder of the year. It may be time for a fashion flashback – check out all your OOTD selfies from the past few months? What’s working, and what’s not? Make revisions accordingly, and embrace a more informed you.

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